Brilliant Threes
Our Brilliant Three-Year-Olds work hard to harness all of the great skills needed for Pre-K. Cutting, pasting, counting, and writing are the learning skills we focus on in our classroom. With circle times focused on education through our exciting Pinnacle Curriculum, learning is made fun through stimulating theme-based activities.
Children have opportunities to participate in small group activities as well as play during “Center Time”, a portion of the day dedicated to children following their own interests in our library space, home living, block building, writing center, truck depot, and art center.
Our passionate educators strive to make your child’s experience fun and meaningful as they explore new and exciting subjects!
Motor Skill Development — trike riding, pencil holding, outdoor play, dancing, sorting
Math & Science Development – sorting, predicting, counting, observing
Language Development — reading stories, forming letters & numbers, drawing pictures
Imaginative Development — art, home living, story-telling
Social Development – conflict management, taking turns, “show and share”, following directions